Solutions for processing

technical and scientific data


SulSoft offers a wide range of software products and services for analysis and processing of images and signals with applications in Remote Sensing/GIS, as well as for areas such as Engineering, Applied Physics, Remote Sensing / GIS, Medical Diagnostics, Urban Planning, Agriculture, Defense, among others.


Developing and marketing Remote Sensing/GIS software for more then 20 years, SulSoft provides software, training, and specialized consulting services.

SulSoft is the exclusive Exelis VIS distribution partner for the ENVI software suite in Brazilian territory, as well as the Clark Labs distributor for the TerrSet software. Own developments marketed worldwide include the OrthoToolStereo (OTS) package for digital terrain model extraction from optical stereo pairs.

SulSoft is a silver partner to the ESRI Partner Network (EPN).

For further information please contact our development team:


Complete solution to extract digital elevation models from optical highres stereo pairs .

Mais informações sobre o OTS

More information
over the OTS


Development of customized solutions:

With vast programming experience, especially in IDL, SulSoft develops and customizes tools for analysis of technical and scientific data, including extensions to the ENVI and ArcGIS software, allowing the customer to optimize the operation of advanced analysis on their data.

Extracting digital elevation models and orthorectification:

We can fine tune the algorithms to extract the best possible DEM from your stereo imagery, including orthorectification, DSM->DTM conversion, and image mosaic.

Consultancy for image and signal processing projects:

SulSoft advises in the preparation and execution of image and signal processing projects, assisting the client in data specification, definition of tools and processing streams, and project implementation.


Please contact for informations about the current training schedules.


444, Felipe Neri Street
Auxiliadora - Porto Alegre/RS
Phones: (51) 3333-1581 / (51) 3026-3920

Commercial Contact:

Development Contact:

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday,
from 8h30 to 12h and from 13h30 to 18h.

Facebook Sulsoft
Youtube Sulsoft

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